CWMD-RPP-23-07 – IEW Phase I

September 6, 2023 0

DUE: September 21, 2023 This OTA will cover CBRN Cloud infrastructure, Decision Support tools, CDS Integration, Containerization, CBRN Warning, Reporting, and Hazard Prediction, and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in support of CSC2. Responding to Read More

NATO DIANA Pilot Challenges

August 9, 2023 0

DUE: August 25, 2023 Defense Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA): Seeking innovations in energy resilience, secure information sharing, and sensing and surveillance.

Defense Innovation Challenge

August 8, 2023 0

Due: August 25, 2023 TechConnect is proud to host the 2023 Defense Innovation Challenges, delivering transformational technologies to our National Defense.This Innovation Prospecting program is designed specifically to deliver private- sector early-stage technologies to the Read More

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