Due: January 16, 2025
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0003371 FY24 Scale-up of Integrated Biorefineries supports higher risk bioenergy technologies that are ready to scale, ultimately demonstrating feedstock-conversion variations, or production pathways, to support commercialization and meet the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge goal of 35 billion gallons per year of SAF production by 2050 and the Clean Fuels and Products Shot goal of 50% projected demand for maritime, rail, off-road, and renewable carbon-based chemicals by 2050.
The activities to be funded under this FOA will support the advancement of cost-shared research, development, and demonstration projects with partners in industry, academia, and the National Laboratories focused on the design, construction, operation, and validation of new technology and feedstock pathways for engineering scale integrated biorefineries. The intent of this FOA is to reduce technology uncertainty and risk through cost-shared pilot- and demonstration-scale biorefinery projects. The FOA would support BETO’s multi-year strategic goals to 1) decarbonize the transportation sector through the production of cost-effective SAF and other strategic fuels, and 2) decarbonize the industrial sector through cost-effective and sustainable chemicals, materials, and processes utilizing biomass and waste resources.