New Warning System Catches Tsunamis Early

August 30, 2023 0

Researchers at Cardiff University’s School of Mathematics have developed an early warning system that can quickly classify submarine earthquakes and determine the risk of resulting tsunami events. The team uses state-of-the-art acoustic technology working with Read More

OrigaMechs, The Fully Foldable Robot

August 28, 2023 0

A multidisciplinary team led by researchers at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering have been working on a new fabrication technique for fully foldable robots that can perform a variety of complex tasks without relying Read More

Biomedicine Sees Another Breakthrough

August 25, 2023 0

Researchers at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed an insoluble cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) hydrogel with high sensitivity to calcium ions. This could be an important breakthrough Read More

Cambridge University Develops Super-sized Nanocage

August 23, 2023 0

Researchers at Cambridge University have developed a super-sized nanocage capable of delivering large drug cargoes, with potential applications in drug delivery, biotechnology, and drug discovery. Nanocages are miniscule artificial containers that can be used to Read More

The New Smart Concrete

August 21, 2023 0

The University of Pittsburgh has a new concept for the development of smart civil infrastructure systems with the introduction of metamaterial concrete. The metamaterial concrete would be lightweight and mechanically-tunable, with integrated energy harvesting and Read More

Brewers Grain Turned Energy Storage!

August 18, 2023 0

A team from Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany are working with partners from Spain to test brewer’s spent grain as a bio-source for the production of materials for electrochemical energy storage systems. They were Read More

New Camera Reads Volcano’s SO2 Emissions

August 16, 2023 0

Researchers at the University of Sheffield in England have developed an inexpensive and low-power camera for the long-term measuring of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from volcanoes. Monitoring volcanic gas emissions is critical as they can Read More

Sensors Help Prevent Food Waste

August 11, 2023 0

Researchers at Koç University in Turkey have created a “real-time” food spoilage alert sensor. Studies have shown that an estimated 240 million tons of meat is discarded globally each year, with much of this waste Read More

Germany Automates Making Soft Sensors

August 10, 2023 0

The Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed an automatic process for making soft sensors. These sensors function as universal measurement cells and can be Read More

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