Due: January 31, 2025
NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) is soliciting proposals to complement core observing activities on its upcoming East Coast Ocean Acidification Cruise (ECOA-4), which targets U.S. Coastal Large Marine Ecosystems on the North American East Coast from the Scotian Shelf to the port of Miami, extending from shore to beyond the shelf break. The proposed activities should expand the ocean acidification (OA)-focused observational and experimental capabilities of this repeated quadrennial oceanographic research cruise to better achieve the strategic aims of the program. Projects should complement the existing Level 1 capabilities of the ECOA-4 cruise by fulfilling Level 2 and/or Level 3 priorities outlined in the OA Cruise Science Priority Guidance document (https://bit.ly/OAP_NOFO2023). Proposals should demonstrate how their proposed efforts, in concert with the planned Level 1 core activities on ECOA-4, would address regionally relevant objectives in the NOAA Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Research Plan: 2020-2029.