Anticipated Release: Q4FY25
Chemical indicators; Low-cost, easy to use, ultra-low SWaP modular open system based chemical detector that is widely distributed to the General Forces as an integrated kit for indication of chemical hazards; Provide detection and classification capabilities with increased confidence for traditional, advanced and emerging chemical hazards such as CWAs, NTAs, PBAs, RCAs, TICs and Toxins; Address chemical hazards in all states of matter (Solid, Liquid, Vapor, Aerosol)
Responding to this opportunity requires membership in the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consortium. This Consortium releases numerous solicitations throughout the year, so even if this opportunity may not end up being right for you, we strongly encourage you to join, so you are ready for the next opportunity.
Complete the form below and a program representative will reach out to you shortly to support you through the process.