Due: September 17, 2024
Orthopaedic injuries have a profound impact on military readiness and return to work/activity/duty. In the military, extremity battle wounds comprise approximately 50% of injuries reported in the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. Additionally, orthopaedic injuries and conditions that occur outside of combat (e.g., during training, leisure activities, resultant from old injuries) present one of the greatest threats to the readiness of our Service Members and military. Early stabilization, treatment, and rehabilitation of orthopaedic injuries in both civilian and military populations have led to better outcomes, particularly in the prevention of secondary complications and in minimizing morbidity. Availability of orthopaedic care and treatment as early as possible, or as close to the point of injury as possible, also minimizes limb loss and affects military readiness. The PRORP CTRA is intended to support high-impact and/or emerging clinical research that may not be ready for a full-scale randomized controlled clinical trial. Projects should demonstrate potential to impact the standard of care, both immediate and long-term, as well as contribute to evidence-based guidelines for the evaluation and care of military, Veterans, and all patients with orthopaedic injuries.