Due: April 1, 2024
The purpose of this RFS is to solicit innovative proposals to accelerate the advancement and integration of autonomous and AI systems into the hands of the warfighters. Human systems integration is the design, development, and sustainment practices that ensure warfighters can efficiently, effectively, and safely leverage technologies to accomplish tasks. Human-Machine teaming is when the human and the machine pursue the same goal, affect the current state, and coordinate actions. The Government is seeking proposals for a novel development towards a mobile testbed prototype for the EXCOR-HMT activity within unscripted force-on-force experimentation. Systems under test include prototype robotic, autonomous, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Vendors interested in responding to this RFS must be members of the (EMC2). Interested parties should visit emccrane.org for membership information.
Responding to this opportunity requires membership in the Expeditionary Missions Consortium. This Consortium releases numerous solicitations throughout the year, so even if this opportunity may not end up being right for you, we strongly encourage you to join, so you are ready for the next opportunity.