Defense Innovation Secrets: Providing AI Solutions the U.S. Military Will Buy

The Joint TechConnect and Defense Innovation Spotlights accelerate private-sector and defense-sourced technology solutions aligned with commercial market and national security areas of interest. This fast-paced format features two-minute video pitches from top innovators!

Opening remarks: George Galdorisi, Director of Strategic Assessments and Technical Futures, NIWC, U.S. Navy

Innovation Pitches:

  • Custom Software Applications for Complex DoD Workflows, Elder Tree, California
  • Gabriel the robocall blocker, Forward Edge, AI Inc., Texas
  • Mobi™, iNovex, Maryland
  • MAKANA: A Machine Learning Platform for Automated AI, Mobius Logic, Inc., Virginia
  • SAFIRE, Surany Research and Development LLC, Maine
  • Automating Visual Nondestructive Inspection with Deep Learning, Analatom Incorporated, California
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as a Service, Azimuth Corporation, Ohio
  • HyperTunnel™: A Mixed Reality Remote Collaboration System, FactualVR, Inc., New Jersey

Working With The Primes was a session at the fall virtual Defense TechConnect Conference and Expo, a part of the joint TechConnect Innovations Summit event. To learn more and view content, visit