The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has issued a solicitation for the second phase of the Ocean of Things Project. The Project, begun in 2017, seeks to develop persistent, wide-area sensor surveillance across large ocean areas using large numbers of intelligent floats or buoys. The solicitation seeks companies who can develop analytical techniques that will provide a detailed understanding of the ocean environment in order to protect natural resources and enable the military to operate more effectively at sea.
A primary objective is to develop edge-processing methods to identify and report essential information from any events within a float’s range to enable mission analysis once the data reaches the cloud. The project also will help choose sensors and sampling rates to maximize system performance.
Researchers in the program’s data analytics section should be capable of applying advanced processing techniques such as filtering, clustering, and machine learning to develop vessel tracks, characterize vessel behaviors, identify new signatures, and conduct other mission analytics. The project also will visualize float sensor coverage, predict float field performance, and control individual floats to maintain a floating sensor field comprising as many as 50,000 floats. The smart float system in the Ocean of Things program will use a cloud-based architecture, find ways to visualize the dynamic capabilities of the system, and find new ways for operators to interact with large numbers of floats.
Companies interested should upload proposals no later than May 15, 2020 at https://baa.darpa.mil. Email questions or concerns to DARPA at HR001120S0042@darpa.mil.
More information is online at https://beta.sam.gov/opp/37991fec08e949db80f9e3185d1a319b/view