The Department of Homeland Security has selected eight companies to further develop smart cities prototype technologies for the commercial marketplace under the second phase of its Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Smart Cities Internet of Things Innovation (SCITI) Labs initiative.
The prototypes fall under three capability areas: unmanned aerial systems (UAS), in-building sensors, and a communications SmartHub. Over the next year, the technologies will be evaluated with first responders, DHS operational components, and private sector partners in search-and-rescue and soft-target scenarios. Phase Two will focus on commercialization with the goal of providing solutions in the market that are affordable and scalable.
The participating companies are:
● Airgility, Inc., Reston, Virginia (UAS)
● Third Insight, Austin, Texas (UAS)
● One Engineering, LLC, Monument, Colorado (UAS)
● EcoDomus, Inc., San Francisco, California (Sensors)
● Mutualink, Inc., Wallingford, Connecticut (Sensors)
● Datakwip Holdings, LLC, Frederick, Maryland (Sensors)
● Coolfire Solutions, St. Louis, Missouri (SmartHub)
● Excession Technologies Ltd., London, United Kingdom (SmartHub)
“SCITI Labs and the commercial-first approach allow DHS to integrate and apply new prototype technologies from various industry segments into the public safety arena. These innovations will be applied to meet the needs of DHS component and first responder stakeholders, as well as private sector partners that are often the key to commercial adoption for areas like critical infrastructure,” said Jeff Booth, the SCITI Labs lead at S&T. “This process provides an ‘integrate-test-apply’ development and deployment approach to the much-needed mission capabilities to help meet homeland security needs.”
For more information about SCITI Labs, see https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/st-smart-city-internet-things-innovation-sciti-labs or contact first.responder@hq.dhs.gov.