NTA Catalyst Partner Exchange  

National Technology Alliance (NTA) is the nation’s leading innovation membership organization providing a consolidated pipeline of active technology prospecting requests, challenges and awards from industry and government programs (currently representing over $50B in funding authority). Foundational to NTA’s mission, and in alignment with national priority initiatives, NTA is proud to partner with leading organizations representing innovation portfolios and commercialization programs accelerating the national innovation ecosystem.

The purpose of this application is to establish a good faith exchange between National Technology Alliance (NTA) and the Catalyst Partner (identified below) for mutually beneficial collaborative efforts. This application does not obligate the parties to provide funds or payment. This application does not bind parties to any legal or business obligation.

Catalyst Partner Exchange:

National Technology Alliance (NTA) to provide:

  • Partner logo placement as a Catalyst Partner on NTA website and relevant marketing materials
  • Partner logo inclusion as a Catalyst Partner on NTA annual events’ websites
  • NTA Catalyst Partner badge for possible inclusion on partner webpages (linked to NTA.org)  
  • Discount registration (20%) for partner members/portfolio at NTA events
  • One free pass for partner employees to attend one NTA event annually
  • Video (and/or written) partner interview by NTA media, promoted in the NTA newsletter and on the NTA website
  • Joint social partnership announcement (on Twitter and LinkedIn) – text and graphics provided by NTA
  • Curated technology opportunities from NTA industry/government sources (rolling basis)

Catalyst Partner to provide:

  • NTA Catalyst Partner badge placed on partner webpages (linked to NTA.org) 
  • Logo with permission to include on NTA website/marketing/event websites
  • Share/distribute NTA opportunities with partner followers on social media and database/subscribers monthly
  • Share discounted event opportunities with partner followers on social media and database/subscribers monthly
  • Invite partner portfolio/members to join NTA for free
NTA Catalyst Partner Exchange
Note: NTA reserves the right to not accept Catalyst Partner application upon review of any exceptions noted.
Check your area(s) of interest: