French company MASA recently launched an upgrade of its SWORD constructive training and war gaming solution – SWORD, v.6.10 – which features a new chat tool that allows users to create groups. The tool can allow or prevent the groups from sharing key strategic information, such as details of topography, situation reports, key positions, and other knowledge about the enemy. It also allows instructors to send special alerts to groups or users and to help them focus on specific events.
SWORD v. 6.10 has also enhanced its web admin tool, now enabling the exercise administrator to better control clients and simulation servers remotely, and add new users at any point. Masa’s Direct AI artificial intelligence capability now includes a new debugger and improved reusability and better performance. Plans are for the next iteration – SWORD v.6.11 – to include new models for naval and joint forces operations.
MASA is collaborating with the VIKING-COALITION – a Swedish initiated international Computer Assisted Exercise (CAX) – exercises designed to prepare a multi-agency force for crisis response operations, including security, humanitarian affairs, peace-building and political issues.
Enrico Raue, MASA’s New Markets and Sales Manager, said, “We are proud to be part of the VIKING-COALITION, and that SWORD will be an integral platform in training staff across NATO, UN and EU missions for crisis management missions. SWORD, and its civilian alternative, SYNERGY, have already been used by our clients in Brazil and around the world to train staff for disaster and crisis management scenarios. The software complements the training scenarios required in the VIKING-COALITION and we hope we can continue to provide relevant training tools for crisis management missions.”