The Navy’s Program Executive Office, Unmanned and Small Combatants (PEO USC) recently announced that the Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS) has achieved Initial Operating Capability (IOC). The UISS is a critical component of the Navy’s suite of mine countermeasure technologies.
The UISS – which was developed by Textron – is a self-propelled, diesel-powered, semi-autonomous surface vessel which can acoustically and magnetically sweep for naval mines. The complete system includes an MCM USV, an unmanned surface sweep system (US3), and a sensor package. It is designed to be deployed, operated, and maintained from a Littoral Combat Ship, adequately equipped vessel of opportunity, or from a shore site. The system is intended to keep sea lanes, fleet operating areas, straits, choke points, and amphibious landing sites clear of mines.
The UISS’ minesweeping capability is part of the Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Mission Package (MP). Notably, this is the first IOC of an unmanned surface platform by the U.S. Navy, making it an important milestone in the evolution toward a hybrid fleet of manned and unmanned systems.
The IOC status was achieved after the completion of formal testing and the delivery of a system with logistics and training material with approximately trained Fleet personnel.
“Over the years, the program has worked tirelessly to mature and field the UISS system that will keep the Navy’s most valuable asset, our sailors, safer by keeping them out of the minefield. With this declaration, the program is inching closer toward system-wide IOC for the MCM MP,” said Capt. Godfrey Weekes, LCS Mission Modules (PMS 420) Program Manager.